Advantageous Discounts for your Assurance Policy.
Introductory Note about SkyWay Assurance Service
Skyway collaborates, since the company birthday, with Assurance Partners of primary imprtance for the development of new technologies, with the sector of the satellite localization that in the last years had a continue evolution.
These systems a part from making safer the car travels, allow to the customers to enjoy of more innovative services, such as the assistance offered from expert staff members, for 24 hours a day for 365 days per year, through SkyWay 24 Hours Monitoring Centre, and assurance service studied and applied according to the customer exigencies.
The main purchase motivation of the satellite systems is the protection against car robberies and from the possibility to obtain a big assurance cost reduction. With the making of the new telematic devices, studied together with the assurance companies, allow to these ones to propose to the customers assurance policies called (in a European context) “Pay for use” and “Pay like you drive”that reflect the effective vehicle's usage.
Infact to the assurance companies, that have all the information taken from these new telematic devices installed on the vehicle, it is given the possibility to determine in a more detailed way, the guide profile of the assured client, as a consequence of this, the tariff will be established by basing to the effective type of means usage.
For the assurance companies so we can pass from a management of the trustee policy (traditional) to a more efficient technological policy.
The assurance savings, that you can obtain after these innovations, start from a minimum of 10%-20% for the RCA policies to a maximum un of the 70% for the Ard policies. For the evaluation of the assurance proposals and of the discounts applied by SkyWay we suggest to refer to the average conditions applied from the different companies.
the quotation for the ARD/RCA assurance policy can be requested to the 24 Hours Monitoring Centre by using the following Form.