Many Advantages for you!
The safety and the tranquillity to be assisted
This is your new SkyWay Service Card, that allow you to enter in the Interactive Service World offered by SkyWay .
You can have it with the purchase of a Navigator or a SkyWay Telematic Unit. With this Card you can download from Internet many points, (like the Autovelox) or to call, in case of necessity, the indicated numbers to have Assistance 24 Hours on 24 for break-down, car crash, theftetc...
With this Card you can also request consistent Assurance discounts on the car assurance policies.
Free updates for your Navigator
The owner of the SkyWay Service Card can freely obtain constant updating of the POI (Autovelox and Cameras), for the own navigator.
Assistance 24 hours on 24
The owner of the Skyway Service Card can obtain the free assistance, in case of car crash, injuries, theft and fire, robbery and break-down, from the SkyWay 24 Hours Monitoring Centre, active 24 hours on 24 and for 365 days per year, that will provide to contact the road emergency service and will give assistance in the procedure in case of car crash.
* The payment of the action has to be done by the client.
Discounted Assurance Policies
SkyWay collaborates, since the birthday of the society, with the Assurance companies (and, first of all, with Generali S.p.a. Assurance Company) for the development of systems
able to make safer the car travels, and also to reduce the assurance costs.
With more than seven years of experience and thousands of subscibers (only in Italy) SkyWay has been able to beat the assurance costs to offer discounts on the ARD tarifs (fire and theft) up to 75% and discounts on the RCA tarifs up to 30%.
Nowadays, for a SkyWay Navigator buyer, are possible three different Assurance discounts based on the following three combinations:
1- Ownership of the SkyWay Service Card (Free release with the purchase of a Navigator):
- ARD Discount (fire and theft) of 50%
- RCA Discount (circolation) of 10%
2- Purchase of a Telematic Unit HS-2c and ownership of the SkyWay Service Card:
- ARD Discount (fire and theft) of 65%
- RCA discount (circolation) of 15%
3- Purchase of a Telematic Unit HS-3N and ownership of the SkyWay Service Card:
- ARD Discount (fire and theft) of 75%
- RCA Discount (circolation) of 25%
For who is owning a SkyWay Navigator or a Satellite Unit and desider to obtain for free the SkyWay Service Card it is possible request it through the proper Request Module or by calling the following number: + For who already has got a contract with the SkyWay 24 Hours Monitoring Centre we send the Service Card for free, together with the contract the renewal of the service.